A Journal of the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona

Arizona Anthropologist

ISSUE 18 Abstracts

Victoria M. Phaneuf and Derek D. Honeyman
Editor's Introduction to Issue #18

Karen Pennesi
Be Saying Quotations as Demonstrations of Stance: A Linguistic Approach to Environmental Conflict
Abstract: Clark and Gerrig (1990) maintain that quotations in everyday speech are not necessarily attempts to reproduce the words of the quotation's source, but instead are a type of demonstration, selectively depicting aspects of the referents. In this article, I use demonstration theory to define the particular properties and functions of quotes introduced by be saying and show how they work in both direct and indirect structures. I describe the syntactic distribution of be saying quotations and show that their primary function is evaluative. Using data from recorded meetings at Walpole Island First Nation, in Ontario, Canada, I show how speakers use be saying quotations to construct identities for the quoted sources by depicting the stances attributed to them. The be saying quotes are used by Walpole Natives and non-Natives to demonstrate opposing positions on the issue of water quality in the local river, either in favor of scientific knowledge or in favor of indigenous knowledge.


Lisa Janz
Pastoralism and Ideological Resistance to Agriculture in Northeast Asia: from Prehistoric to Modern Times
Abstract: Despite the long historical and archaeological record of interaction between Mongol herders and Chinese agriculturalists, pastoralists in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia have resisted pressure to adopt subsistence economies dependant on the cultivation of plant foods. While some evidence suggests that many of these steppe regions are more ecologically suited to herding than farming, their northern frontiers have proven to be agriculturally viable. Therefore, the persistent resistance to sedentary agricultural modes of production should be traced to long-standing cultural values at odds with sedentism and agricultural toils. By considering several lines of evidence, including environmental limitations and the constraints of pastoralist land-use, Mongol resistance to the adoption of cultivation is seen as having been driven by the development of ideological systems incompatible with the adoption of agriculture.


Kate Goldade
"How can they throw me out when the baby is from here?": Reproduction, Citizenship, and Undocumented Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica
Abstract: Undocumented Nicaraguan migration to Costa Rica invokes issues of citizenship and stratified reproduction. Using ethnography I argue that undocumented migrant women parlay reproductive events into citizenship gains. Within a receiving context challenged by cutbacks to the state-administered health care system, a pillar of its national identity, this South-to-South migrant circuit presents a unique view into the constraints wrought by globalization's "opposite turns." Maneuvering between a globalizing economy and the nationalization of citizenship, Costa Rican health care providers and undocumented Nicaraguan migrant women negotiate citizenship as "a structure of feeling" of deserving certain entitlements including health care, belonging, and protection from deportation.

Anton Daughters
Sea bass, stars, and aquatic fireflies

Christina Leza
"Where Are You From": The Problem of Identity for the "Native" Anthropologist

Jessica Piekielek
Institutional Ethnography and Slapstick Fieldwork: Lessons for Studying Up

Kathryn M. Orzech
Notes from the Field: A Letter from High School


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