Deutscher Studenten Club



Here is a collection of links DSC members thought useful or interesting. If you'd like to suggest adding or removing a link, please contact the Web master. Enjoy!


Online Dictionaries & Language Tools

bullet LEO Online German-English dictionary
bullet Travlang German-English dictionary
bullet Canoo

German News Sources

bullet Die Welt
bullet Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
bullet Focus
bullet Der Spiegel
bullet Tagesschau
bullet Berliner Kurier
bullet Berliner Morgenpost


bullet German Deli
bullet Ebay Deutschland
bullet Amazon Deutschland
bullet KaDeWe
bullet Mango


bullet Projekt Gutenberg
bullet Facts about Germany: The Bundesregierung
bullet German-language TV and radio
bullet German radio stations
bullet MSN Deutschland
bullet Google Deutschland
bullet German American Club of Tucson
bullet German Studies Association

UA Campus Highlights

bullet Germany's Goethe Institute
bullet Study Abroad in Leipzig
bullet UA Department of German Studies
bullet Albrecht Classen's Web site

Tuesday, 17. April 2007 21:02 -0700