February 2009 Member of the Month

Candice Morrison

What is your name, where are you from and what program of study are you in at the U of A?

My name is Candice Morrison, born and raised in Durham, North Carolina...AKA.....the city of Medicine. I am in the Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences Program under the Fate and Contaminant Transport group.

What made you come to the U of A?

As I was finishing my MS program, I had completed half of my applications for PhD programs (5 schools). After my thesis defense, I received an e-mail from the SWES department graduate admissions coordinator asking me to complete my application. I next day mailed in the final documents and received a call from my current advisor the following day. He gave me the best offer....so here I am.

What are your career aspirations?

I would like to work as an Environmental Scientist/Chemist for a company that needs to remediate sites they have purchased for business use OR Superfund site remediation.

What made you join BGSA-UA and how did you hear about us?

Before I came out to visit U of A, I went on the university website and looked for the minority organizations on campus and somehow ran across a site that mentioned BGSA at graduate student orientation. When I came for GPSC orientation, I looked for the table and signed up. I met Rowena that day.... :)

Any favorite BGSA-UA activities, experiences?

#1 - the funny picture at the McDonald house community service event. I still laugh when I look at that picture. #2 - Dr. O sneaking the white elephant gift from Rowena at the end of semester pot luck. Too funny!

Of the three pillars that BGSA stands upon, which is your favorite and why?

That would be Community Service. I have always known there was a reason people were in different places and situations. I have been fortunate to attend college, not once but twice to be educated. I do not feel that as an able bodied and able minded person, I should sit on my talents or knowledge and keep it to myself. It is my JOB to give it back or share it with someone else. If my knowledge can help someone get to a better place or situation in life, then the information is theirs. Giving is not an occasional act to me, it's a lifestyle.

What are some of your favorite hobbies, pastimes, or things that you do outside of school?

I am an ACC basketball fan like no other (GO TARHEELS!!). I do like golf, occasionally I crochet to relax, and sometimes bake as therapy.

Tell us one crazy/funny/weird/unknown thing about yourself.

As much hair as I have....why do I hate doing it? LOL!

Current Events

Friday, January 28th, 2011

General Body Meeting

6:00pm @ MLK 100

* Bowling @ Lucky Strike afterwards!