March 2009 Member of the Month

Sanyu Kibuka

What is your name, where are you from and what program of study are you in at the U of A?

My name is Sanyu Kibuka and I am a Ugandan-American. I'm currently a Master's degree candidate within the division of Retailing and Consumer Sciences.

What attracted you to Tucson and the University of Arizona?

The weather and an incredibly good match for career opportunity, respectively.

What are your career aspirations?

My aspirations change constantly but upon entering the graduate program, my goal was to become a Market Research Analyst within a consumer products organization.

How did you hear about BGSA-UA and what motivated you to join?

The BGSA-UA had a booth at an alumni event held at the top of the 2008-2009 academic year. I recognized Ada, walked over to the booth, and signed up. Motivation? Meeting new people!

Any favorite BGSA-UA activities, experiences?

The 'Chalk Talk' series was particularly intellectually stimulating. But I do have to agree with the previous member of the month and say that the White Elephant gift exchange was incredibly entertaining. It was a lot of fun!

Of the three pillars that BGSA stands upon, which is your favorite and why?

Fellowship! Itís very inspiring to be amongst high-achieving peers.

What are some of your favorite hobbies, pastimes, or things that you do outside of school?

My interests include yoga, black and white photography, French impressionist art, and reading biographies. I also loooove Thai food and hot dogs...not together though.

Say you were standing at the airport, waiting to get your checked baggage tickets and you see the one person that you admire so much approaching the counter next to you. Who is that person, why do you admire them and what would you do to connect with that person? (And your flight leaves in twenty minutes :)

That person is Dr. Wangari Maathai because she changed history by becoming the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize. First, I would strike up conversation by commenting on her outfit and then I would ask for her precious words of wisdom.

Current Events

Friday, January 28th, 2011

General Body Meeting

6:00pm @ MLK 100

* Bowling @ Lucky Strike afterwards!