November 2009 Member of the Month

Anita Atwell Seate

What is your name, where are you from, and what program of study are you in at the U of A?

My name is Anita Atwell Seate and I am a second year PhD student in the Department of Communication. My minor is in Sociology with an emphasis in research methods and statistics. My research interests are the role of media in intergroup processes, particularly stereotyping, how minorities are portrayed in the media, and affective reactions to minorities in the media. My teaching interests are media theory, intergroup relations, race, and statistics/research methods. I am from Dahlonega, GA, but lived in Atlanta, GA for almost nine years.

What attracted you to Tucson and the University of Arizona?

I came to the University of Arizona because two of the most prominent media and intergroup scholars are here. The weather didn't hurt either!

What are your career aspirations?

I would like to be a college professor teaching and researching minorities in the media. However, if academia doesn't work out, I would like be a research analyst.

How did you hear about BGSA-UA and what motivated you to join?

I joined BGSA because I wanted to network with new individuals. I also wanted to make friends with people who really understand a graduate student's schedule.

Any favorite BGSA-UA activities or experiences?

This is my first semester in BGSA and I am really glad that I joined. If I had to pick my favorite activity it would be the BGSA writing group. All the members are really supportive, fun, insightful, and they keep me motivated.

Of the three pillars that BGSA stands on, which is your favorite and why?

WOW-what a question! I was attracted to BGSA because of ALL three pillars, but if I had to pick one I guess it would be fellowship. All the BGSA members are fun, intelligent and super cool. We always have fun when we get together.

What are some of your favorite hobbies, pastimes, or things that you do outside of school?

I love to cook and spend time with my husband. We love to go for walks and play board games with friends. I also love to read, camp, and go to karaoke.

Tell us one crazy/funny/weird/unknown thing about yourself.

One weird thing about me is that I can't stand eating fruit-it is a texture thing.

Current Events

Friday, January 28th, 2011

General Body Meeting

6:00pm @ MLK 100

* Bowling @ Lucky Strike afterwards!