December 2009 Member of the Month

Danielle Walker

What is your name, where are you from, and what program of study are you in at the U of A?

My name is Danielle Walker and I'm from south Louisiana. I'm currently a mid-program Master's student in the School of Information Resources and Library Science.

What attracted you to Tucson and the University of Arizona?

I was looking for a school that had Library Science and Middle Eastern Studies programs. Of my choices, Tucson was the best in terms of cost of living and within a few months of moving here I was offered a job at the University.

What are your career aspirations?

My primary goal is to be a subject-specialist librarian at a research institution but I wouldn't turn down an offer from the Library of Congress or IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations).

How did you hear about BGSA-UA and what motivated you to join?

I saw the BGSA booth at Graduate Orientation and was very excited about it. I really wanted to be able to connect with other African-Americans on campus.

Any favorite BGSA-UA activities or experiences?

I really love the meetings. We take care of business but it's nice to be able to laugh, talk, and just relax with my peers.

Of the three pillars that BGSA stands on, which is your favorite and why?

It would have to be fellowship. I'm always looking forward to seeing the other members and since we're a graduate group I think the academic excellence portion is taken care of.

What are some of your favorite hobbies, pastimes, or things that you do outside of school?

I try to travel whenever possible, I collect books, I'm an avid raptor watcher, and I have a thing for mobile gadgets. My current obsession is the "enTourage eDGe" which will be released in February--very nice.

Tell us one crazy/funny/weird/unknown thing about yourself.

I change my clothes hangers every 6 months or so. It's an odd compulsion.

Current Events

Friday, January 28th, 2011

General Body Meeting

6:00pm @ MLK 100

* Bowling @ Lucky Strike afterwards!